
Hero Women of Congo

About 55 elephants are killed every day for their ivory. A rhino is killed every eight hours for its horn. About 317 000 live birds are trafficked annually. A ranger is killed in the line of duty, on average, every three days.
— World Wildlife Fund

Soutine age 14, with her trunk resting on the radio collar was one of the first orphans in the WorldWomenWork funded “Orphan Project” with Save the Elephants. Among other findings, Soutine shows the resiliency of young elephants who without their Matriarchs to teach them have to learn on their own. We observed lion marks on the baby, age 3 weeks, and subsequently the baby was caught in a raging current in the Ewaso River and Soutine by her side managed to guide her to shore... She is a good Mother.
What a success story!

Hero Women of Congo


Angelique (Below) one of 6 children, ran away from home to avoid being married in her early teens. “My country, the Democratic Republic of Congo, has always been at war, so the population is often in an insecure situation and poor. Because of these wars, women and girls are raped and many people are dead. I did not want to be illiterate like my Mother.”

Through the help of our donors, WWW has funded Angelique's tuition for nursing school, So that she may return to her region and help other girls and women.


We have also donated six sewing machines and four additional scholarships were awarded, $500 each, to this women’s group.

Elephants and women have much in common. Their families are torn apart for many reasons.
They both cope with the loss of their matriarchs from brutal killing and rape for power and money. Soutine, her baby, and these girls from the Congo need our compassion and love.

Singer Rankin and Lek Chailert

When we met Bua Loi, she was in chains with a broken leg from logging, had been forcibly bred, then her baby was taken away and she was forced to beg on the streets of Bangkok. We bought Bua Loi with Lek (Far Right) and brought her to the Elephant Nature Park in Kuet Chiang in Northen Thailand.
Lek is the Saint of Elephants and the most inspirational person I have ever met...
With great thanks for all that you do for WWW
    -Singer Rankin

Learn more about Save Elephant Foundation and The Elephant Nature Park.

WorldWomenWork October Update

We watched, mesmerized as young lions played with a canoe paddle on our recent WWW adventure to Botswana and Zambia. There is no way to describe this magnificent and innocent moment. Meanwhile North Korea was involved in wildlife trafficking and in Myanmar elephants were being poached with poisoned arrows and skinned, their skin used for 'health' jewelry. Even when terribly depressed by the world's inhumanity something inspiring is taking place, which keeps our passions alive.

Singer Rankin

Nothing personifies this more than the story of Kabu's rescue 2 years ago. Many of you helped to make this possible. She worked for 20 years in the logging industry despite a terrible injury to her left front leg while also having two babies. The first female baby was sold to a tourist camp and the little male died after the torture of the training crush. She is the epitome of resilience, a beautiful and gentle elephant loved by all who visit the Elephant Nature Park. Lek Chailert is a savior who inspires all who meet her.

Singer with the Grevy's Zebra Scouts

After being in Thailand with Kabu and Lek, I spent time in Samburu with the Grevy's Scouts and one of the highlights was trying to sew a sanitary pad on one of the new sewing machines WWW contributed. I was the center of a lot of laughter. I felt as though I was finally accepted into this amazing group. Not only are they tracking Grevy's with GPSs they are making additional income with a sanitary pad project which also enables their daughters to stay in school. These women are a true inspiration.

Samburu in Northern Kenya

Samburu in northern Kenya is experiencing an unparalleled drought. The food situation is desperate for wildlife. The herders of cattle and goats invade the conservation areas causing armed conflict. We were fortunate to be able to help distribute hay for the Grevy's. In one area diseases carried by domesticated animals wiped out packs of wild dogs.

A young elephant enjoying a snack at Sheldrick Wild Life Trust in Nairobi.

A young elephant enjoying a snack at Sheldrick Wild Life Trust in Nairobi.

I thank you so much for being a part of WorldWomenWork. You make everything we do possible. You are a part of every project. I hope that through these stories you feel just as inspired as I do.

Even though there is much to be depressed about in the wild world there is much to inspire us to feel passionately, to want to give back, to help.