New project: Mama Tembo
WWW shows in San Francisco, New York & Santa Fe
2018 Trip: Morocco and Kenya Trip
Soutine age 14, with her trunk resting on the radio collar was one of the first orphans in the WorldWomenWork funded “Orphan Project” with Save the Elephants. Among other findings, Soutine shows the resiliency of young elephants who without their Matriarchs to teach them have to learn on their own. We observed lion marks on the baby, age 3 weeks, and subsequently the baby was caught in a raging current in the Ewaso River and Soutine by her side managed to guide her to shore… She is a good Mother.
What a success story!
Sarara Camp
One of the highlights of the Morocco/Kenya trip was spending 2 nights at Sarara, a magnificent camp set in wild beautiful country at the foot of the Matthews Range.. We visited Reteti falling under the magic of the babies, adopting and giving the trip donation; $9,000, to this fabulous Sanctuary.